What is the difference between sports massage therapy and physiotherapy/sports therapy?
Sports massage therapy covers the knowledge and skills relating to specific soft tissues, their functions and the effects of manual therapy/exercise on normal and damaged tissue. It addresses the prevention of injury and performance enhancement, injuries and conditions that are commonly suffered in sport or other regular activities, plus a range of interventions aimed at promoting repair and recovery.

Physiotherapy has a broader scope of practice addressing a range of conditions that are not solely related to increased physical activity. These may include degenerative and medical disorders. 

Sports therapy is more focused on the prevention, rehabilitation and treatment of a client back to optimum occupational and/or sport specific fitness. The knowledge and training is more sports-focused.

Regardless of background it is important to find a therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with. A good therapist will be positive, understanding, encouraging and will look to build a relationship, with you at the centre. They will empower and encourage you to actively manage your condition as best you can and will educate you on the best way to do this.

What is the difference between sports/deep tissue massage and a normal massage?
A sports/deep tissue massage should always be adapted to your needs so that you get the most out of the session. A sports/deep tissue massage takes advantage of more advanced techniques to assess and treat the soft tissue compared to a standard relaxation massage.

Do I need to be sporty to benefit from a sports/deep tissue massage?
The short answer is no. You can injure yourself or get aches and pains from any of your daily tasks. More and more people are appreciating the benefits of sports/deep tissue massage, which can include helping with persistent pain, anxiety and depression.

What are the benefits or a sports/deep tissue massage?
The benefits of a massage are very individual, especially as the treatment is always adapted to your own needs. Manual therapy is most beneficial when used as part of a bigger treatment plan, which is why taking an active role in your recovery is important. Simply put, having a treatment can reduce your symptoms and make you feel better. If you feel better, you will move better and if you move better you are likely to perform better.

What should I wear for a sports massage?
Shorts are fine and ladies should wear a normal bra and vest top as well.

What happens during the treatment?
Your first appointment starts with a detailed consultation and assessment. An assessment of your posture, joints and range of motion is done to determine the likely cause of your pain. The treatment is then adapted to your specific needs. Each subsequent visit includes a discussion on how you feel things are progressing.

Is getting a sports/deep tissue massage painful?
In my opinion it should not be painful. Gone are the days when a sports/deep tissue massage had to be painful to be considered beneficial. There may be some discomfort at times but I communicate regularly with you to make sure that the pressure is always within your pain tolerance. If your brain likes the input from the treatment it will turn down the volume on pain and tension.